About KCML

Kings Court Management Company Limited (KCML) is registered in England & Wales under Company Registration Number 11681844.
The registered office is 15 Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2BZ

What we do:

The Company’s primary role is to ensure Kings Court is safe, well maintained and serviced. We want everyone to enjoy where they live.

The Board is responsible for protecting, managing and administering the development in accordance with the company’s obligations contained in the leases, provided they remain reasonable, practicable and not obsolete. This incorporates expenditure for the supply of a range of services and the collection of fees from lessees. We comply with the Service Charge Residential Management Code as published by the RICS.

In taking decisions, and initiating actions, the Directors support the principle of making Kings Court a great place to live. This is achieved through the following:

  • Maintaining a positive relationship with the Freehold owner
  • Providing a communication channel that is open to all
  • Encouraging leaseholders to air their views on matters important to them
  • Creating an environment of openness and transparency
  • Acting responsibly and exercising appropriate management, financial and budgetary control
  • Ensuring repair and maintenance and other service activity is delivered punctually and to a standard that is appropriate
  • Establishing reserves that provide the necessary funding for significant items of expenditure forming part of the longer-term lifecycle of maintenance activity
  • Adhering to the characteristics within the Equality Act 2010 to provide a fair and more equal society.

Membership is open to all Lessees:

All lessees are entitled to membership of the company: 1 lease = 1 share = 1 vote. Membership allows attendance at meetings, voting rights at the AGM and provides eligibility to serve as a Director. All lessees are invited to meetings, but voting is restricted to members only.  The maximum number of shares issued is 21.

Our Directors:

  • Austin Carter
  • Barry Couchman
  • Roy Beswick
  • Ana Pasturczak

Our Managing Agent & Company Secretary:

  • Bartholomews, Kingston on Thames, Surrey